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Little girl looking through a science microscope

The only box that makes science fun!

interactive science boxes that help your child EXPLORE, CREATE and LEARN

join the box lab crew

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Learn Scientific Skills

fun for all the family

hands-on experiments


How Box Lab Works


Equipment Box

Buy your Equipment box


You will need this to complete the experiments



Subscribe to receive Monthly experiment boxes 

(cancel at anytime)


explore and learn

There's only one more thing to do... explore, create and learn.

Experiment kits

Super Absorbent Polymer
Tin Chloride
Indicator Swirl
Powder Glove

Subscribe & receive box lab news plus, 50% off your first order!

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  • Are these experiments safe?
    All of our experiments can be safely done at home (with Adult supervision). All chemicals are safe to handle with gloves and goggles. Make sure you do the experiments on the tray provided so you don’t make a mess everywhere!
  • Is this age appropriate for my child?
    Box Lab experiment boxes are designed for 8 -14 year olds. We are in the process of creating boxes that are for younger scientists so make sure you are following us on our social media channels to be the first to find out when they drop. We would always advise that a parent it present at all times whilst doing the experiments.
  • How many experiments do I get?
    Each month we will release a minimum of 3 experiments in each box, full instruction manual and rubber gloves. Please keep your goggles safe from the first box. If you need more goggles these can be purchased online. All of our experiment boxes you recieve, can be repeated twice.
  • What if an experiment doesn’t go to plan?
    This is part of science! You never know how experiments will turn out and that makes it even more fun! We have tested each experiments so they should work but if they don’t we have included enough chemicals in so that you can try again.
  • Do I need to buy anything else?
    Some boxes may require water, washing up liquid, batteries or other household items. Everything else is supplied.
  • How will I know what to do with the chemicals
    Each box comes with a set of written instructions that also has a QR code in the top corner. If you scan this code it will take you directly to the a video which explains and demonstrates what to do. You can also learn the science behind the experiment once you click the QR code.
  • How does Box Lab do it's bit for the enviroment?
    As scientist's, we are very concerned about the enviroment so we use bottles that can be recycled and the foam in the equipment can also be recycled. We also try our very best to use enviromentally friendly chemicals where possible.
  • What do I expect as a Box Labber?
    As a Box Labber you can expect a minimum of three science experiments every month, which you can repeat at home with your family. The monthly boxes focus on different aspects of science and will develop different skills.
  • How do I login to my account?
    Once you have signed up for a monthly subscription, you will be prompted to create an account that you will be able to use to make changes to your plan should you wish to.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    Plans can be amended in you account. Please log in and change. If you have any issues, please pop us an email and will get it sorted for you.
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